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Previous and emerging proposals

Our approach is to start afresh with the site in order to provide a positive response to all of the reasons why the previous 2008 scheme for 750 homes was not successful. 


To this extent, we are pleased to outline that our Vision for the site is to: 


  • Focus development on areas that our survey findings are suggesting are the least sensitive in landscape, ecology, and arboricultural terms.


  • Create a lower density more sensitively designed scheme, which at this stage from our emerging surveys suggests a reduced scheme of up to 430 dwellings.  This could be delivered at an average density below 35 dwellings with buildings limited to up to 2.5 storeys in height, which is a significant reduction from the previous 750 dwelling scheme that sought at an average density above 40 dwellings per hectare and included buildings up to 4 storeys in height.


  • Provide a significantly increased provision of SANG of 25 hectares, which is 9 hectares more than the previous scheme proposed.


  • Provide new woodland walks, as well as formal sports pitches and a generous provision of informal open space within and around development parcels.


  • Provide simplified but safe access arrangements to the site, directly onto A22, through areas of non-Ancient Woodland, with non-vehicular links onto Snatts Road for cycle and pedestrian usage, connecting to existing routes to Uckfield town centre, as well as a new pedestrian and cycleway alongside the A22 and B2102.


  • To provide a sensitive response to the Ancient Woodland that borders the site and the main ecological features both within and adjoining it, with the objective to deliver a minimum landscape buffer of 15m between built development and all Ancient Woodland areas.


  • To ensure the arboricultural, ecological and landscape features at the site are preserved and wherever possible enhanced for future generations, by bringing them under a management plan for long-term protection and enhancement, including the creation and signage of walking routes through site/woodland (as part of SANGS) to deter informal use of more sensitive woodland assets.



The extent of built development

  • Across the majority of arable land between A22 and Snatts Road

Development proposals

  • Up to 750 dwellings at an average density above 40 dwellings per hectare, up to 4 storeys in height.

  • A 1.2 hectare site from employment uses, plus other commercial uses in neighbourhood centres.

  • A 1-form entry primary school.

Public open space

  • A 16.2 hectare Country Park, including woodland walks, alongside informal open space within and around development parcels and formal sports pitches.


  • Primary access from Blackdown Roundabout / A22 through Budletts Wood, requiring significant areas of woodland clearance (including Ancient Woodland)

  • Segregated bus / emergency / vehicle / pedestrian links to Snatts Road.

  • New cycleway alongside the A22 and B2102.


  • Potential impacts on Ancient Woodland through provision of vehicular links from Blackdown Roundabout and through Shermanreed Wood, and no allowance for consistent site-wide buffers between development and Ancient Woodland.



The extent of built development

  • Focused on southwestern-most parts of the site, between A22 and Snatts Road, with no built development on the northeastern field

Development proposals

  • Up to 430 dwellings at an average density below 35 dwellings, up to 2.5 storeys in height.

Public open space

  • A new Woodland Park / Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANGS) in excess of 17 hectares, including new woodland walks, alongside informal open space within and around development parcels and formal sports pitches.

  • Significant areas of informal open space within the site including a minimum landscape buffer of 15m to all ancient woodland areas and 50m to an existing pond in the southern part of the site


  • Primary and emergency access directly onto A22 through an area of non-Ancient Woodland.

  • Non-vehicular links onto Snatts Road for cyclists and pedestrians, connecting to existing routes to Uckfield town centre.

  • Potential new pedestrian and cycleway alongside the A22 and B2102.


  • A consistent buffer between development and Ancient Woodland.

  • No Ancient Woodland removal for access or movement through the site.

  • Site-wide arboricultural interests to be brought under a management plan for long-term protection and enhancement. Including creation and signage of walking routes through site/woodland (as part of SANGS) to deter informal use of more sensitive woodland assets.

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