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10 Heritage

The emerging proposals have responded positively to the heritage assets which sit within proximity to the site and their context

The known designated and non-designated heritage assets within the site and wider area are shown on the plan below.

The closest designated heritage assets comprise the Grade II Listed Oast Cottage and a Grade II listed Barn at Downlands Farm, which are located adjacent to the southeast boundary of the site.

The proposals seek to retain the historic landscape fabric - such as field boundaries and woodland - within the site and preserve the fieldscapes surrounding the listed buildings as part of the green infrastructure. These measures will ensure that the listed buildings are suitably buffered from the built form of the proposals and that the agricultural character of their settings are preserved.

No significant archaeological features are known within the areas of the site proposed for development. Nonetheless, further work to understand the archaeology of the site is being progressed in consultation with the County Archaeologist to ensure that the emerging proposals respond appropriately and seek to mitigate any potential impacts on the historic environment. The results of all archaeological investigations of the site will be made publicly available.

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