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05 The masterplan

A draft masterplan has been prepared which shows how the site could be developed including the key elements including access, housing, landscape, public open space and drainage.

Draft masterplan for the site
Downlands Farm Masterplan

An illustrative masterplan has been prepared, informed by the opportunities and constraints identified and the technical and environmental work undertaken, to demonstrate how the site could be developed including the key elements of access, housing, landscape, public open space and drainage.

The proposals for the site combine two key elements, a residential development site and a green infrastructure strategy. The key elements of each area highlighted below

Residential development site

Aerial view looking north east across the site

  • Retention of the existing key landscape features on the site including woodland and planting on edges of the site

  • Up to 430 new homes at an average density of 35 dwellings per hectare (a density typical of the surrounding areas such as West Park or The Drive area). The density will not be uniform but will be used to assist in creating character areas and respond to the characteristics of the site.

  • Buildings which are predominantly 2 storeys with potential for some 2.5 storeys to enhance townscape / legibility

  • The main vehicular access from the A22 via a new roundabout in a location which avoids Ancient Woodland

  • An emergency only access to A22 at the northern end of the site in a location which avoids Ancient Woodland

  • Strategic cycle and pedestrian links within the site with potential for connections to Snatts Road and the A22

  • A new strategic cycle link to the town centre adjacent to the A22

  • An improved pedestrian route to the town centre from Snatts Road by upgrading an existing public right of way

  • Landscape planting across the slopes to help mitigate long-distance views into the site

  • A landscaped buffer to the pond in the centre of the site which was found to have Great Crested Newts present

  • Areas of amenity / play space with potential for sports pitches and natural childrens play facilties

  • Green ecology links created through new planting to connect the woodland areas

  • A minimum 15m buffer between development and Ancient Woodland, comprising green and blue landscaping, to ensure arboricultural interests are retained

  • A physical landsape / public open space buffer to Listed buildings

  • Sustainable urban drainage using attenuation basins and swales across the site which will discharge into exsiting watercourses to the north at the same rates as existing run off to ensure that there is no increased flood risk arising from the development elsewhere

Illustration of development overlooking the central park

Green Infrastructure Strategy

Aerial view looking south east across the site

  • Significant areas of public open space in the centre and on the edges of the site

  • New planting to provide connections between existing woodland areas to enhance landscape and ecology

  • Areas of amenity / play space with potential for sports pitches and natural childrens play facilties

  • A Woodland Park / Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) site of circa 17 hectares including:

- A series of walks (2.5km and greater) connecting to the existing and proposed housing areas

- Small car parking areas

- Potential for improved landscape and biodiversity to provide a variety of landscape types including

woodland, meadow, mature trees and trees in grassland

- A focal viewpoint for long distance views to Maresfield

  • Retention of existing green infrastructure including all areas of Ancient Woodland

Illustration of the edges of the site with buffers between housing and woodland


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